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Archive for April 30th, 2010|Daily archive page


In Disappearing Ink, The Enemy Among Us on 30/04/2010 at 05:52

Editor’s Note: Last November we posted an essay on one of the least reported scandals involving illegal immigration into the United States. Our focus was primarily on Mexico but the problem exists across the board and it is monumental. We have reedited and posted it again tonight to address the current situation in Arizona.

If your children or grandchildren are in school they are probably brainwashed five days a week by teachers or professors who have a Liberal agenda and who themselves were likely propagandize into progressivism.

They are grilled daily that liberalism is humane and conservatism is racist and intolerant. They are told that a government immigration policy that oppresses struggling migrants is nothing less than American arrogance, steeped in racial prejudice.

If you are a true conservative you know that they are either intentionally prevaricating or incredibly ignorant, but in either case they are subversive. Recently we researched an issue the Liberal media and academics seldom address and here are some facts you may not know about our racist immigration non-policy:

Every year – and even the government doesn’t have accurate figures – the State Department estimates that as many as 100,000 OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) are smuggled into the U.S. and auctioned into slavery to pedophiles and pornographers.

Long ago the Russian mob, many of them former KGB, learned that it is easier to bring human traffic http://www.uri.edu/artsci/wms/hughes/russia.htm into America through Mexico than to take it out.

If anyone is kidnapped in this country, the full force of government is brought to bear; in Mexico it is barely noticed. Thousands of women and children from all over the world are lured to Mexico every year by these mobsters, and then kidnapped and sold via the Internet.

Considering these shocking statistics, one has to wonder just what motive some in the U.S. government—senators, congressmen, judges and others—have for not taking action on our borders to stem the tide of illegals arriving every day.

Well, that’s the $1 billion question, now, isn’t it?

During last September’s ACORN scandal one would have thought the networks and every news outlet in the country would have scrambled to fully expose the sex trade operation inside that radical group, but instead the media stampeded to “out” Andrew Breitbart at BigGovernment.com.

It would be great if we could mark this off as a conspiracy theory but it is no theory. Anyone who has worked in Hollywood after dark knows that white and child slavery is prospering here. And thousands more young women are moved against their will to Saudi Arabia, Japan and other countries around the world.

I’ve said before that I am not a conspiracy theorist and I’m not, but neither am I naïve. I was pursuing a music career at 17 in Hollywood, and there is virtually nothing I haven’t seen. I’ve seen nine and 10-year-old girls hooking on Sunset Blvd; I’ve seen boys only slightly older doing the same on Selma Avenue.

Who stands to gain in the merchandizing of human life? Well, I am always more fascinated than shocked whenever I watch Bill O’Reilly expose judges who release pedophiles back into society, or state legislators who refuse to help pass Jessica’s Law.

The dirty little secret on illegal immigration is that on this side of the border people are making vast sums of money to keep traffic flowing. It stands to reason that many of those people hold important positions in our government.

It is a relatively simple thing to stem the tide of illegals passing into the U.S. if we have a desire to do so, but it will take the support and activism of the American taxpayer.

We have seen the depths of depravity to which so-call “community organizations” will go to advance their radical agenda in the United States, and even good men have turned their heads.

John McCain is on Fox News almost nightly decrying the situation on the Mexican border as though it all erupted last year. This is a decades-old nightmare for tens of thousands of women and children.
Even those in the mainstream media who are aware of this epidemic brand those of us who call for extreme measures to end human trafficking as racists.

While Barack Obama fuels racial hatred over Arizona’s new immigration laws thousands of people are undergoing unspeakable horrors. It is time for every honest American to stand with Arizona in this fight. It is time politicians like John McCain stop pandering for votes and do something about illegal immigration.