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Posts Tagged ‘Obama and Islam’

Obama Was Warned About Egypt

In Obamarama, Strategery, The Haters on 05/02/2011 at 17:36

Egyptian vice president Omar Suleiman

Did a failed assassination attempt on newly appointed Egyptian vice president Omar Suleiman occur this week? Maybe, maybe not. But if so, as Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer suggested yesterday on Fox’s Special Report with Bret Baier, dark forces are at work behind the scenes in Egypt.

The lack of anti-American signs printed in English and American flags being burned would indicate that up to the present time radical Muslim influence has been all but absent in the 10-day-old revolution. But if rumors of the assassination attempt on Suleiman are true the circumstances may be changing.

As events unfold it becomes shockingly clear just how anemic the Obama foreign policy has been during his two years in the White House. This President seems to be given to zigging when he should be zagging. He speaks out of turn and, indeed, his 2009 victory lap speech in Egypt may have had a significant role in the destabilization of entire Middle East.

Passivity with Muslim extremists is like chumming shark-infested waters before taking a swim, and Obama’s Cairo speech was sheer idiocy. Now calling for a “democratic” transition with “non-secular” participation is insane. Why is the President making such a suggestion?

What is not in question is that the Administration was warned as Egyptian elections approached in November that the situation was getting dicey. But it appears that Leon Panetta’s CIA was asleep at the switch and the message may have come too late. The other possibility would be almost beyond belief: that the Administration new in advance and elected to do nothing.

If Obama was truly naïve enough to have maintained a hands-off policy inside the country then it is anybody’s guess as to how the dominos will fall in coming days. The U.S. is the big stakes player in this game and we should have had CIA operatives in place to assure that our interests were being looked after. As Egypt goes so goes the region.

Okay, we are not suggesting that the United States is behind the plot assassinate Suleiman, but one has to wonder what exactly our role is here. Indications are that we are involved in early negotiations between the revolutionists and the Mubarak government. Are we actually toying with the idea of negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood in the transfer of power?

The fact remains that someone had enough connections inside the Egyptian government to know Suleiman’s schedule, and they nearly pulled off an assassination of the one person who might be holding the regime in tact long enough to see a peaceful transfer of power.

Mr. President, A Tutorial on Jihad

In The American Jihad, The Enemy Among Us, The Haters on 09/11/2010 at 19:10

A few moderate Muslims express themselves in England

Yesterday, Professor Obama made another appearance, this time in India, when asked the deeply burning question, “What do you think of jihad?

One had to sympathize. I mean presidents are constantly roped into doing stupid things like dancing some ridiculous step with a group of local students and eating stuff that would gag a maggot. But this was the real corker.

What is a president to do who doesn’t want to offend the families and friends of the 19 al Qaeda terrorists who took down the World Trade Center and Pentagon? Especially a president who runs U.S. foreign policy like a game of fantasy football.

Well, dang it, he instructs the heck out of us, that’s what.

“The phrase jihad has a lot of meanings within Islam and is subject to a lot of different interpretations,” Mr. Obama tells us, his rapt listeners. “I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence towards innocent people that is never justified. And so, I think, one of the challenges that we face is, how do we isolate those who have these distorted notions of religious war?”

Naturally, Muslim leaders all over India were thrilled with our learned leader’s astuteness.

The “few extremists” being no more than 110 million strong, I can understand the President’s concern that we not over react. For all you conspiracy goofballs out there, this is proof positive that I’m right. Obama is not a Muslim. The man doesn’t even understand the difference between the greater and the lesser jihad.

There are two, and only two, jihads, Mr. President: the greater jihad is the inner struggle to become a good Muslim. This entails shrouding women in burqas and other garb, so as to prevent them from causing you to lust, among other things. Let’s not get into that whole beating and stoning thing; suffice to say the greater jihad is the good jihad.

Then we come to the lesser jihad. Less, as in less is more. The lesser jihad is the Muslim struggle against imagined oppression. At the center of this “oppression” is the supposed persecution of Islam by world Jewry and Christianity. About a million Saudi sheiks in Roll Royces concur.

I won’t belabor this definition, only to say that the only jihad that should matter to an American president is the lesser jihad. It is aimed at destroying us.

Yet President Obama and his administration have since coming to office treated it as though a few intenerate Muslims went off the reservation in 2001. Admittedly, no U.S. president since Jefferson has understood Islam. It is a religion which at its core is bent on world domination, and no amount of PC side-stepping will change that.

But okay, let’s give Muslims the benefit of the doubt and accede to the possibility that there is such a thing as “moderate” Islam. I am dubious but I’ll will allow the possibility.

The problem is that moderate Muslims are not in control of the faith. The average Islamic cleric in the U.S. alone shudders at the very idea of speaking out against the extremists in their religion. The lesser jihad is taught widely in their mosques and schools across this country and virtually no one dares speak out against it.

And, obviously, Barack Obama will not speak out, either.

Mr. President, what is wrong with saying that the United State wants to live in peace with all nations, cultures and religions, but we will not tolerate the monstrous acts of a significant segment of the Islamic faith? What is wrong saying that “mainstream” Islamic leaders must speak out loudly against the extremists within their faith?

What is wrong, Mr. President, with acknowledging a truth that all but the most naïve among us already knows?

Sarkozy Re Obama: Is This Guy a Wack Job Or What?

In Obamarama, The Enemy Among Us on 13/04/2010 at 07:26

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is calling Barack Obama a “dangerous lunatic.” The story picked up from the European Union Times via NewsBusters.com translates the quote as “dangerously mad lunatic.”

Apparently Sarkozy’s impressions of Obama are circulating the Kremlin of all places in a letter pinned by France’s Directorate-General for External Security, Erard Corbin de Mangoux.

According to the EUT report, Sarkozy was “appalled” at Obama’s “vision” of what the World should be under his “guidance” and “amazed” at the American Presidents [sic] unwillingness to listen to either “reason” or “logic”.

The full-page article goes on to say that Sarkozy “scolded” Obama for not listening to what the rest of the world has to say, in a meeting that took place during the French President’s visit to the U.S. two weeks ago.

The tête-à-tête apparently came about when Sarkozy took exception to Obama’s unconcerned attitude on the rise of Muslim extremism in the wake of increasing Eurabiasation on the Continent.

Fears in Europe are running high at the rising population of Islamics in several EU member-states, that if current growth rates are sustained Muslims could destroy the Global Banking System. Collecting interest on loans is a violation of Sharia law.

The EU Times continues:

Obama, on the other hand, doesn’t share the views of his European allies and has, instead, embarked upon a course of embracing the Muslim peoples of the World and to the shock of all has overturned the Bush-era ban on the radical Swiss born Muslim Cleric Tariq Ramadan from entering the United States … and [became] the first Western multinational [sic] to issue an Islamic bond, and this past week commanded that all of his governments security documents eliminate the words “Islamic extremism” and “jihad”.

Although at least one national new outlet, the Village Voice, is discrediting the EUT and the seriousness of Sarkozy’s remarks, no one so far is denying the genuineness of the report.

Says the Voice:

Both the report and its provenance are absurdly sketchy, and do not allow for the possibility that Sarkozy used these terms as an old Borscht Belt comedian might (“Get outta here, ya crazy nut, ya!”).

Yeah, right.

There is no denying that EUT is an extreme website and that its editors have no affinity for President Obama, but the report at its core has the ring of truth.

What we do know about Sarkozy’s impressions of Obama is that he has on several occasions been highly critical of the U.S. President. He has accused Obama of being naïve and weak, and has also referred to him as arrogant.

The rise of Islamism in Europe is not a matter one would think the French President would consider a laughing matter since Islamic Arabs are the fastest growing demographic on the Continent and already an enormously vocal minority. The Village Voice, it appears, is guilty of the same transgression it claims of rightwing blogs – speculating.

Something else we know Europeans have so correctly assessed: Americans do socialism so badly.