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Posts Tagged ‘Michelle Malkin’

Republicans: Somewhere in Heaven Reagan’s Laughing

In Palinography, Sarah Palin on 19/06/2010 at 08:53

Nearly every Republican I speak to these days, even those who like Sarah Palin, say that that the Governor is unelectable. The ones who don’t like her say she is a dolt in a nice package, that she has no depth. Those who hate her … well it’s not pretty, the things they say. And that’s just the Republicans.

Which is, interestingly enough, almost exactly what they said about Ronald Reagan in 1965.

This is one reason I defected from the Republican Party two years ago, ironically, before I had ever heard Palin speak. I knew she had just been elected governor of Alaska but hadn’t seen or heard her. I left the party for the netherworld of independency because, being an old hippy, I knew—and had always known, I suppose—that Republicans don’t get it. They’re unhip, square … lamers stuck on stupid.

Want to destroy a cocktail party? Invite John Boehner.

My biggest complaint about Republicans is that they run on family values and fiscal restraint, go to Washington, drink the water, and—presto—they’re Establishment hacks. After a year most of them couldn’t find the district that elected them without a Thomas Guide and a wife who knows how to read it.

The Republican Establishment is the sole reason men like Barack Obama get to be President. Find a bad Democrat idea and add two parts John McCain, a splash of Lindsey Graham, fold in Olympia Snowe, and, voila! Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm.

Of course I speak of Establishment Republicans. Reagan was different: he didn’t wear a tie when he let the press in at Rancho del Cielo for photo ops. Not one shot of Reagan chopping wood in a blue serge suit.

I know many of you voted for Ross Perot in 1992 because you felt lost, disconnected from the party, and at least Ross had been successful at something. Of course that didn’t work either. Alas, Ross was closer to the “crazy aunt in the basement” than anyone knew. But he was right about that giant NAFTA sucking sound. Barbie Dolls, three pesos!!!

I’m rambling.

It’s just that I have always judged Republican candidates by what Newsweek has to say about them. Newsweek and its ilk is the sounding board of the DNC. Every pre-primary season, if you’ll read carefully, Newsweek and the New York Times will tell you which Republicans to vote for. Vote for the ones they hate.

I suspect that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of the Democratic Party in 2011. Barack Obama is beyond salvageable. Maybe you want to want to run Mitt Romney against that steamroller. If so, please share the drugs you’re using. They may help us all cope.

For years Democrats have played mainstream Republicans like a Conga drum. They tell you what to think and when to think it and you think it.

Yet everything Palin touches turns to political gold. Even John McCain, who stood about as much chance of winning a fifth term in Arizona as an illegal Mexican getting busted by Janet Napolitano, will most likely be reelected.

Some of Sarah Palin’s worst critics are Republicans, especially Republican women. Hmm, there’s something in that, not sure quite what.  But if the GOP turns over the House and makes steep trenches in the Senate in November, it will be largely due to the Governor’s contributions to their party.

Wouldn’t that be truly ironic?

Somewhere up there, Ronnie must be laughing and shaking his head.

Obama: I’m In Charge … Where’s Al Haig?

In Obamarama on 15/06/2010 at 05:39

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution there have been approximately 100 recorded oil spills worldwide. From the Lakeview Gusher in Kern County, California in 1910, to the ongoing Deepwater Horizon blowout, oil spills have become a fact of life in an industrialized world.

No one knows exactly how much oil is emitted into the world’s oceans every year, but we do know that 20 to 25 tons of crude seeps naturally out of Coal Oil Point into the Santa Barbara Channel each year, and has since Creation. That is just in one tiny location.

We also know that, in the history of catastrophic events, man-caused oil spills don’t even approach the devastation myriad natural disasters cause annually worldwide. Earthquakes, famines, plagues and blizzards claim tens of thousands of lives each year a do multiplied billons of dollars in damage. The Deepwater Horizon claimed 11 lives and BP will make at least some restitution.

Yet, today, Barack Obama has likened that disaster to the 9-11 terror attacks on the nation.

Of course the President is making this ridiculous comparison for one reason. Not to help speed up the work on the Gulf well; not to expedite cleanup efforts; but to push his wacko green energy bill through Congress.

So far the spill has shutdown the fishing industry and crippled Southern coastal tourism, and now Obama has put a moratorium on the only viable industry left on the Gulf Coast—the oil industry. He is so blinded by leftist ideology that he will destroy the economy of the nation to finance his grandiose dreams.

Yet with such varied contributors as actor Kevin Costner, technology scientists, and businessmen who have been using alfalfa and polypropylene for years to remove damaging oil from road and other projects, the President has done nothing to move progress forward in protecting coastal waters and marshes.

The folks at Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer are right when they say that Obama is not alone to blame for the spill; British Petroleum and at least three administrations are to blame. However, they are terribly wrong when they say that Obama is doing all he can.

He has failed to waive the Jones Act and for weeks failed to employ cleanup methods that could have saved much of the coast. Some of these methods are, granted, experimental, but what better time is there to test them? Costner is on record saying that had his machines been in use on the day of the disaster 90% of the oil would have been recovered. Why not let him prove it?

The nation looks to its presidents for leadership not rhetoric. If President Obama wants to draw a war-related analogy to the spill in the Gulf it should be the Dunkirk Rescue during World War II. Because that is the type of effort that was required to save our coast from invasion after the Deepwater Horizon blew.


In Obamarama on 02/06/2010 at 07:30

Barack Obama and "Pretty Ballerina" Rahm Emanuel

From 1991 until 2000, the Clinton White House ran much like one would expect any well-oiled totalitarian seat of government to run, complete with dirty tricks, subterfuge, and its own propaganda ministry. Rahm Emanuel headed up the “dirty tricks bureau” and John “I Vant to Sock Your Blod” Podesta, now founder and head of Media Matters, ran the propaganda ministry.

Sweet little operation.

Rahm was the guy who instituted the “no notes” policy for White House lawyers during the Clinton impeachment proceedings, the idea being that if White House lawyers didn’t take notes there would be no records to subpoena. This, a lesson learned from the mistakes of Nixon Watergate counsel John Dean. Dean took great notes and drew a four-year sentence, even after he ratted out the others.

In Emanuel and Posdesta we have possibly two of the greatest unindicted criminals in the history of American politics. These guys were “good … very good,” to quote Humphrey Bogart.

Well, Podesta still heads up propaganda for the Democratic Party, albeit in the private sector nowadays. Much of the dirt you read about Sarah Palin, James O’Keefe, Michele Bachmann and scores of other conservatives is hatched by him and his organization. It’s effective and many Republicans accept much of it as fact after it percolates into the mainstream media.

But Emanuel has kept his hand in government, most recently as Obama White House chief of staff, and, when one day all of the rubble is cleared away, in the Joe Sestak “Jobsgate” scandal, Rahm will be the rabble at the bottom of it.

The question is not whether Obama offered Congressman Sestak a job – he did. It isn’t even whether the White House and Joe are being truthful about what job was offered – they aren’t. The real question is whether or not the misfire Republicans on Capitol Hill can prove it.

In this entire debacle one idea has been put forth that makes sense. It is not a special prosecutor appointed by the Obama Justice Department or even a Washington-based FBI investigation. The best idea put forth – I believe it was on O’Reilly last week by Dick Morris – is that Republican Pennsylvania Attorney General, Tom Corbett, impanel a state grand jury into the bribe offered a sitting U.S. Representative in his state.

If he will do this, he will effectively circumvent any dog and pony show that Marc Rich Pardon architect Eric Holder conducts, and get to the most corrupt White House chief of staff in U.S. history.