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Sarkozy Re Obama: Is This Guy a Wack Job Or What?

In Obamarama, The Enemy Among Us on 13/04/2010 at 07:26

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is calling Barack Obama a “dangerous lunatic.” The story picked up from the European Union Times via NewsBusters.com translates the quote as “dangerously mad lunatic.”

Apparently Sarkozy’s impressions of Obama are circulating the Kremlin of all places in a letter pinned by France’s Directorate-General for External Security, Erard Corbin de Mangoux.

According to the EUT report, Sarkozy was “appalled” at Obama’s “vision” of what the World should be under his “guidance” and “amazed” at the American Presidents [sic] unwillingness to listen to either “reason” or “logic”.

The full-page article goes on to say that Sarkozy “scolded” Obama for not listening to what the rest of the world has to say, in a meeting that took place during the French President’s visit to the U.S. two weeks ago.

The tête-à-tête apparently came about when Sarkozy took exception to Obama’s unconcerned attitude on the rise of Muslim extremism in the wake of increasing Eurabiasation on the Continent.

Fears in Europe are running high at the rising population of Islamics in several EU member-states, that if current growth rates are sustained Muslims could destroy the Global Banking System. Collecting interest on loans is a violation of Sharia law.

The EU Times continues:

Obama, on the other hand, doesn’t share the views of his European allies and has, instead, embarked upon a course of embracing the Muslim peoples of the World and to the shock of all has overturned the Bush-era ban on the radical Swiss born Muslim Cleric Tariq Ramadan from entering the United States … and [became] the first Western multinational [sic] to issue an Islamic bond, and this past week commanded that all of his governments security documents eliminate the words “Islamic extremism” and “jihad”.

Although at least one national new outlet, the Village Voice, is discrediting the EUT and the seriousness of Sarkozy’s remarks, no one so far is denying the genuineness of the report.

Says the Voice:

Both the report and its provenance are absurdly sketchy, and do not allow for the possibility that Sarkozy used these terms as an old Borscht Belt comedian might (“Get outta here, ya crazy nut, ya!”).

Yeah, right.

There is no denying that EUT is an extreme website and that its editors have no affinity for President Obama, but the report at its core has the ring of truth.

What we do know about Sarkozy’s impressions of Obama is that he has on several occasions been highly critical of the U.S. President. He has accused Obama of being naïve and weak, and has also referred to him as arrogant.

The rise of Islamism in Europe is not a matter one would think the French President would consider a laughing matter since Islamic Arabs are the fastest growing demographic on the Continent and already an enormously vocal minority. The Village Voice, it appears, is guilty of the same transgression it claims of rightwing blogs – speculating.

Something else we know Europeans have so correctly assessed: Americans do socialism so badly.


In Obamarama, The War on Speech on 11/04/2010 at 21:58


By the way, this is what Obama looks like at a soccer game. Still no pictures–even two days later. Where did the President go? Where is the media? Considering we just disarmed to Russia and Poland’s President and 95 others were killed hours before, and Kyrgystan’s government was just overthrown should raise even more questions.

Update: By the way, this is what Obama looks like at a soccer game. Still no pictures–even two days later. Where did the President go? Where is the media? Considering we just disarmed to Russia and Poland’s President and 95 others were killed hours before, and Kyrgystan’s government was just overthrown should raise even more questions.

President Obama mysteriously broke years of protocol yesterday by ditching the small White House press pool that moves with him everywhere he travels.

The maneuver appears to have been an intentional effort to deceive his entourage, since, when the troupe was gathered at the White House 23 minutes after he departed, Obama’s press spokesman, Josh Ernest, said, “The president decided this morning to attend his daughter’s soccer game. The pool was assembled as soon as possible to be there as well.”

This seemingly benign breach of protocol has powerful implications. The President dumped his press contingent to attend a school soccer game for one of his daughters? Says who? Well, says the White House … and only the White House.

In fairness to the President, perhaps he did indeed attend his daughter’s soccer game. He probably did. But anyone who thinks this supposed innocuous bit of chicanery is not serious misses the larger point. Half of the American people – people who are still citizens of this country – no longer trust him. Many believe he has an un-American agenda.

The President of the United States serves at the pleasure of the people; his time belongs to us. The media, regardless of how politically corrupt and biased (and they have been shameful in not vetting this man), are America’s eyes and ears in regard to the President’s travels.

For all – and this is taking the argument to the extreme – for all we know, the President met with Osama bin Laden yesterday morning. For all we know, he ceded his presidential powers to a cabal intending to take over the country.

Does anyone actually believe he did such a thing? Well, some probably do, but no reasonable person would. But, in any case, we don’t know. For more than an hour yesterday morning the President of the United States disappeared.

Other presidents have traveled, even abroad, on clandestine missions. But the press has never been in the dark. In situations where the Commander-In-Chief’s life could be in danger the press remains silent until they are advised the details can be made available to the American people.

Barack Obama’s behavior is becoming more than slipshod and in-your-face arrogant – it is becoming downright Orwellian. Never in history has any president treated the American people with such disdain. This latest insult demonstrates the total lack of regard this president has for those who elected him to the highest and most powerful office in the world.

Don’t Cry For Me Americana: Obama’s Attempt to Take Over Communications.

In Harvard Math, Obamarama on 11/04/2010 at 08:24

If Buck Henry’s classic screenplay “The Graduate” were written today, Mr. McGuire would be giving young Ben Braddock entirely different career advice. “Ben,” Mr. McGuire would say, “One word — Government.”

What went wrong with the plastics industry? Well, nothing, other than Barack Obama probably plans to own it.

Last week we posted a short piece on administration’s designs on the Internet. The Obama administration– under the guise of saving a medium that has developed and thrived with virtually no government intrusion or regulation – now says the Internet will ceased to exist unless the government steps in to “fix” it.

A United States appeals court saw through the government’s argument last week when the FCC tried to defend its imposition of neutrality regulations on the nation’s Internet service providers.

The court couldn’t have been more right if it had taken a flamethrower to the FCC in ruling that it had no authority to impose such regulations.

The attempted takeover was classic Cloward-Piven Strategy – political change through orchestrated crisis. The Left has been using this strategy for nearly 40 years, from the expansion of welfare roles, to the broadening of various regulatory commission mandates in everything from energy to urban housing development and gun control.

Most American’s were unaware of Cloward-Piven or Saul Alinsky, whose “Rules for Radicals” melded perfectly into the New Left revolution in the mid 1960s, until Glenn Beck began to speak about them over the last couple of years.

However, the latter, Alinsky, was the precise reason Hillary Clinton prevailed upon Wellesley College to bury her 1969 thesis during Bill Clinton’s first term. Hillary has been a lifelong devotee to Alinsky’s methods, as her thesis shows.

In a nutshell, the Cloward-Piven and Alinsky’s strategies are masterfully crafted action plans by which the Left uses the system to collapse the system by forcing – through public protests, tort, and use of obscure legal maneuvers – the government to enforce otherwise well intended laws and regulations to absurd degrees. In other words, overloading the system.

We saw this with the expansion of welfare rolls in the 1960s to the outrageous degree that many states are now paying social services recipients to continue having babies. “Have another baby and get increased welfare.”

But this is the first time in our history that a president has so openly and boldly used these strategies to impose policies the public clearly doesn’t want.

Now the Obama FCC is talking about circumventing Congress and the Court by slotting the Internet into Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, an antiquated statute drafted for public broadcasters in 1934, thus going through the backdoor in an attempt to regulate broadband use.

If Obama accomplishes his designs on the Internet he will have effectively taken the first giant step in controlling the future of communications in the United States. Think 1940s Perón Argentina. Think 2010 Venezuela.