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NPR Exec Meeting with ‘Muslims’: We Don’t Need Government Funding

In Bowling for Dollars, Civil Lefts, The Haters on 08/03/2011 at 19:32

James O'Keefe

It is time to end NPR and PBS government funding. The 50-year assault on conservatives and conservative values has reached a point that no fair-minded taxpayer can support in good conscience. NPR and PBS have become little more than propaganda arms for the Left.

For decades National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System have provided some good albeit unnecessary programming, salted with attacks on conservative thought in America, and most of us have let it go on unchallenged. But we can no longer turn our heads to the blatant assaults by this archaic leftover of Lyndon Johnson’s failed Great Society.

NPR’s outrageous firing of Juan Williams last October, when he expressed his legitimate concerns about American Muslims on the O’Reilly Factor, should have been the last straw; the Left has long thought of this wasteland of taxpayer dollars as its private ideological entitlement, and it has to stop.

In a token act to fend off mounting criticism over the Williams firing, NPR axed its news head Ellen Weiss while CEO Vivian Schiller and her organization escaped further scrutiny.

Or so she thought.

Now the other shoe has dropped. Filmmaker and conservative activist James O’Keefe has crafted another scam against the corrupt and often felonious government-funded left. O’Keefe came to national attention when he and Hannah Giles posed as child prostitute and pimp in an exposé that brought down ACORN.

In a similarly staged con, Senior VP of Development of the NPR Foundation, Ron Schiller, apparently no relation to Vivian Schiller, while believing he was speaking to representatives of a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood, claimed that most Jewish organization are not looking “for a fair point of view,” and that NPR would be better off without government funding.

This from The Daily Caller:

Later in the lunch, Schiller explains that NPR would be better positioned free of federal funding. “Well frankly, it is clear that we would be better off in the long-run without federal funding,” he says. “The challenge right now is that if we lost it all together we would have a lot of stations go dark.”
When one of O’Keefe’s associates asked, “How confident are you, with all the donors that are available, if they should pull the funding right now that you would survive?,” Schiller answered this way: “Yes, NPR would definitely survive and most of the stations would survive.”

In what has become a classic O’Keefe orchestrated sting, the activist filmmaker taped Schiller and NPR director of institutional giving, Betsy Liley, lunching with men they believed were members of the Muslim terrorist front group, Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust. MEAC is a fake nonprofit O’Keefe set up for the sting, in order to offer a $5 million donation to NPR by the Muslim Brotherhood front group.

During the secretly taped luncheon, the NPR execs do not rebut O’Keefe’s “Muslims” when they claim that Jews control American media, and appear to be decidedly pro-Muslim, even knowing they were speaking to representatives of a terrorist front organization. The Executives also “savage” Christian conservatives and the Tea Party movement as racists.

If Republicans in Congress don’t move for a complete defunding of government-subsidized public broadcasting and other liberal groups such as Planned Parenthood, there is no justice.

End the liberal propaganda now.

  1. Then on top of it all, after saying US newspapers are controlled by Zionists, he has the nerve to call Juan Williams bigotted.

  2. Right. Then he says nobody owns NPR. What a joke. It’s always been owned lock, stock and barrell by the Democrats.

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